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16th October 2005
Chop Chop, Sylvia and Luisa Update

Thank you to all the heartfelt emails from everyone that keep pouring in. It's amazing the response that these 3 little kittens have created. These little kittens really have the will to live, and there are so many people out there cheering them on and wishing them a fast recovery. I really believe all this positive energy is really helping them! ...

Chop Chop the little darling, he's such a chatterbox, he loves being stroked under his belly, especially as he's not able to scratch himself at the moment with all his bandages. Honestly going to visit them today, you really have to see that these kittens deserve to live - and they want to! ... I would be so upset to hear that anyone would think that these kittens would be better off euthanised because of their injuries. It's even sadder the fact that we know that many kittens with injuries similar to Chop Chops and Syvlia's are euthanised simply because there is no money to treat them. I hope that in the future, people will get together and find ways to treat these creatures in need, and not simply destroy them.

We were able to help Chop Chop, Slyvia and Luisa this time round, but I really hope that in the future, we can help more kittens and cats like this needing our help. Kittens who aren't able to tell us that they don't want their lives ended, and that they want to live. Broken bones can be mended ..... their little souls deserve a chance! Their spirits certainly haven't been broken!

Some people may think that keeping Chop Chop alive wasn't the right thing to do. And sometimes I think have we done the right thing? .. but you only have to go and see them, and you will understand. Don't get me wrong it is heartbreaking seeing him all bandaged up, but as soon as the bandages are off and he's jumping around on his 3 legs, we know that it'll have been worth the money.

I wish that we didn't have to put a price on their lives, unfortunately it's not the case. Thank you to ALL the people who have contacted us with emails and messages. Everytime new cases come to us, I really get a different perspective on how best to deal with these cases, and I strongly believe that ALL creatures deserve a chance. Miracles do happen! Don't be so quick to judge these creatures, thinking that they would be better off in a certain way because their quality of life wouldn't be the same as before! Perhaps their quality of life wasn't all that great before anyway!....... Some things happen for a reason, and if they can live their lives out despite their disabilities (i.e. hobble/jump around, and most of things the mischievious things they got up to before) ... and they aren't suffering tremendously we promise that we will give them every chance to continue on. These little guys know better than any other kitty the joy of life. Believe me they are happy to be alive!

Chop Chop -

Content after some food and having a little chat with us.

Sylvia -

Sylvia is definitely the liveliest of the bunch. She's been hopping around her little room and is very playful. Sylvia is certainly a little bit of a celebrity .. and she's certainly lapping up all the fame! What a way to have to get recognised though! .. Check out her news clipping article translated into English from a local newspaper: Slyvia's News Clipping Article.


Luisa -

She's standing up now!! .. HURRAY ... Approx 2 weeks after being found! She loves having a nibble on my fingers! ...

Luisa is doing great too. She can walk now, albeit a bit wobbly, she can stand up which is wonderful news for us. Although she still seems to enjoy lying down all the time, you can't blame her really!


For more details on Chop Chop & Slyvia, please email











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